
Shufl is the premier NFT marketplace, revolutionizing the creator economy and championing environmental sustainability.

Shufl is the premier NFT marketplace, revolutionizing the creator economy and championing environmental sustainability. They offer a flat 5% royalty on all secondary sales, empowering creators and fostering a thriving artist community. Our commitment to the planet is reflected in our donation of 2.5% of platform fees to plant trees, helping offset NFTs' environmental impact. 


At Shufl, their mission is to redefine the NFT landscape by providing a platform that empowers creators, fosters community, and promotes sustainability. They believe that NFTs can be a force for good, and they are committed to building a platform that reflects their values. 

Watch the AMA where we introduce our new partner:

L1X Partnership 

L1X is proud to partner with Shufl, to create the first-of-its-kind, cross-chain NFT marketplace that supports the listing, buying, and selling of L1X NFTs and L1X EVM Standard NFTs (ERC-721 and ERC-1155). This partnership aims to leverage the strengths of both platforms to provide users with a seamless and secure NFT trading experience. 


  • Technology and NFT Standards: Support for dual NFT standards, including native L1X VM (L1X-NFT) and L1X EVM (ERC-721 and ERC-1155). 
  • Minting and Importing NFTs: Options to mint L1X-NFTs on L1X VM and mint ERC-721 and ERC-1155 NFTs on L1X EVM. 
  • Buying and Selling NFTs: Ability to purchase L1X and L1X EVM NFTs, integrate with swaps for cross-network payments, and list and sell NFTs on the marketplace. 
  • IPFS Integration: Use of IPFS for decentralized file storage, enhancing the security and accessibility of NFT media. 

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